Why lingual braces can be life transforming for adults and teenagers

Improving the smile of people who won’t wear “braces”.

As an orthodontist nothing gives me as much pleasure or job satisfaction as to see the transformation in many of my lingual patients. Some patients are changed from people who are often very embarrassed by the appearance of their teeth and who often try to hide them, to people who regard their transformed teeth and smile as a new very positive feature of their appearance and personality. They are no longer conscious of the negative perception which they may feel others will have of them due to the appearance of their teeth. A transformed smile often genuinely gives them that “little something” that was missing so that they interact with the world with increased confidence and enthusiasm.

I often observe with quite satisfaction that these patients can be transformed into people who are simply more “glamorous”. The whole “appearance” is often changed to a “new more confident glamorous appearance” to match the “new smile”. I might be flattering myself but I do believe it is life transforming for a significant number of patients.

Lingual braces because they are so effective have opened up a new world of possibilities for people who are embarrassed by their smile, but yet just couldn’t face the world wearing outside braces of any type. For the majority of these patients, aligners, or the euphemistically called quick braces (despite the message of the intensive marketing campaigns) are simply incapable of achieving an equally beautiful result.

Adults often comment that they wish they had their orthodontic treatment earlier. While this is of course true, the advent of lingual orthodontics means that the proverb “the second best time to begin is now” commonly applies.

Why not browse through this website and consider if lingual orthodontics may offer you the possibility of improving your interaction with the world.

Lingual Orthodontics

Lingual orthodontic appliances now offer an opportunity of improving the smile for people who feel self conscious about having visible fixed appliances. These appliances are almost invisible…

Dr. John Buckley


Dr Buckley has been in the full time practice of orthodontics for over twenty years at Clonmel Orthodontics.

Case Studies

These cases treated with lingual appliances by Dr Buckley were chosen to illustrate both the types of cases which Dr Buckley treats routinely with lingual appliances and the quality of results his patients receive.

Why Choose Lingual Orthodontic Braces

Dr John Buckley is passionate about achieving the best possible result in lingual orthodontics. He was awarded a master’s degree (with excellence) in lingual orthodontics from the university of Hannover Germany in 2012. He was the first orthodontist in the island of Ireland (and the second in the British Isles) to receive a master’s degree in lingual orthodontics. This is an additional qualification for orthodontists. Entry to the “Masters in Lingual Orthodontics Programme in Hannover” is restricted to clinicians who are already recognised/registered specialist orthodontists. It is a two year training programme which has been running in the university of Hannover Medical School since 2006. For the first time in October 2010, the programme was taught through English rather than German. In that year Dr Buckley commenced the two year programme, along with 5 other specialist orthodontic colleagues, an Italian, a German, an American, a Spaniard, and a Portuguese. In September 2012 we all qualified with a masters degree in lingual orthodontics.